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- Categoría: El mundo
- Visto: 1064
CDP recognises UPM with an outstanding triple ‘A’ score for its environmental performance
INVESTOR NEWS. CDP, a global non-profit organisation, has recognised UPM as one of the world’s Triple A List companies for tackling climate change and taking actions to ensure sustainable forest management and water security. Only ten out of more than 5,800 companies were able to receive a Triple A recognition and UPM got it for the second year in a row.
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- Categoría: El mundo
- Visto: 1093
La ONU destaca plan de Japón para reducir a cero las emisiones de carbono en 2050
El secretario general de la ONU, el portugués António Guterres, resaltó las medidas que Japón prevé implementar para disminuir a cero las emisiones de gases contaminantes en 2050, aseguró la agencia Kyodo."Son medidas muy importantes", dijo Guterres a ese medio, remarcando que Tokio debe concretizar su iniciativa.
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- Categoría: El mundo
- Visto: 1152
Is this the end of Black Friday?
The global shopping phenomenon is set to go entirely digital this year, but will that be enough to save it?.Frenzied crowds of shoppers descending on stores have become a familiar sight on Black Friday over the years. The discount shopping day, which takes place the last Friday of November immediately after Thanksgiving began in the US but has spread around the globe, with retailers all around Europe offering big discounts on select products every year.
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- Categoría: El mundo
- Visto: 1146
Las aerolíneas se preparan para el complejo transporte de la vacuna contra el COVID-19
Las compañías aéreas se adelantan a la autorización de la primera vacuna, y se preparan para transportar las dosis bajo condiciones especiales.El mundo está cada vez más cerca de contar con una vacuna contra el COVID-19.
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- Categoría: El mundo
- Visto: 1271
Ingenieros de Texas, crean suelo que extrae agua del aire y lo distribuye en plantas
“El sistema de riego de agua atmosférico utiliza geles súper absorbentes de humedad para capturar el agua del aire. Cuando el suelo se calienta a una cierta temperatura, los geles liberan el agua que será utilizada por las plantas”; y “cuando el suelo libera el agua, parte de ella vuelve al aire, aumentando la humedad y facilitando la continuación del ciclo de cosecha”
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- Categoría: El mundo
- Visto: 1202
UPM recognised the best in the forest and paper industry in the global Dow Jones Sustainability Index
UPM has been listed as the forest and paper industry leader in the Dow Jones European and World Sustainability Indices (DJSI) for 2020-2021.“Population growth, climate change and the scarcity of natural resources call for companies to take proactive actions. Finding alternatives to fossil materials and meeting global challenges is at the core of UPM's Biofore strategy,” says Sami Lundgren, VP, UPM Responsibility.
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- Categoría: El mundo
- Visto: 1218
Making every poppy count for Armistice Day 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic in the UK is causing veteran charities to lose out on donations, but will it change the way the country honours its war dead?.Buying a poppy ahead of Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day, which annually marks the end of hostilities on November 11, 1918, is normally straightforward. However, Covid-19 and a nationwide lockdown means that veterans, many of whom are elderly, have been unable to sell poppies in person and raise the much-needed funds to support the Armed Forces community and their families.