upm seguridadSafety is no accident at UPM’s mills
Safety is a combination of culture and attitude at UPM’s pulp mills in Finland. Each year, its Kymi, Kaukas and Pietarsaari mills produce impressive safety records across an industry with accident potential.With defined common rules and standards, along with a global safety management system used to share daily observations and learnings from accidents, safety is no accident at UPM’s pulp mills in Finland.

anttitattari 3From one forest generation to the next

Family forestry in Finland is a tradition that goes back hundreds of years. Passing ownership from one generation to the next comes with a traditional range of values.Around 60 percent of Finland's commercial forest areas and 80 percent of its roundwood comes from privately-owned forests. Globally, family forestry is rare but in Finland 14 percent of its citizens own forest of some description.

upmfoundation ikusi 152 1Great projects come with even greater responsibilities

While construction of its second pulp mill in Uruguay goes on at full speed, UPM is hard at work addressing concerns associated with such large-scale projects, including community safety, housing and infrastructure, and safeguarding the environment.Construction is well underway for UPM’s second pulp plant in Uruguay. The three-year project began following an investment decision in July 2019 and will be completed in 2022.

hidrogeno verdeHidrógeno llega a EE.UU. y pone en peligro el reinado del gas

Tres plantas probarán el hidrógeno verde, que se considera clave para eliminar las emisiones de carbono del sector industrial que ahora depende del gas natural.Tres plantas de energía en Nueva York, Virginia y Ohio probarán si el hidrógeno puede algún día reemplazar al gas natural en la generación eléctrica.

petri hakanenUPM’s pulp mill project in Uruguay: what a difference a year makes!

On 23 July 2019 UPM announced its decision to build a new pulp mill in Uruguay. Since then we have been firing on all cylinders – despite one of the biggest curveballs I have seen in my entire career.
In the past 401 days since the investment decision we have:

ANDRITZ ReceivesANDRITZ Receives Repeat Order from Palm, Wörth, Germany for Two ADuro P Shredders

International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order from Papierfabrik Palm GmbH & Co. KG (palm.de) to supply two ADuro P shredders, type 2000 an improved version of the proven ANDRITZ FRX shredder to its paper mill in Wörth, Germany.The shredders will be used to process rejects from the paper mill as well as pre-shredded rags from the OCC pulping process. Start-up of the new equipment is scheduled for the second quarter of 2021.

hidroviasHidrovía del Río Uruguay aguas arriba de Salto Grande requiere conocer los puertos de Brasil

El subsecretario de Transporte y Obras Públicas, Juan José Olaizola, anunció que CAF-Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina financiará con fondos no reembolsables un estudio técnico de viabilidad de navegación del río Uruguay aguas arriba de Salto Grande. El jerarca recorrió el complejo hidroeléctrico binacional y el puerto salteño y se entrevistó con actores locales.