UPM kymi 4UPM invests in its Kymi mill to strengthen its position in the global pulp market

UPM invests EUR 98 million in Kymi pulp mill in Finland to further strengthen its position as a supplier of bleached chemical pulp for growing consumer and industrial end-use segments like tissue, specialty as well as packaging papers and board.
"Over the past three years we have significantly improved the production efficiency of our pulp mills. This EUR 98 million investment in Kymi will strengthen our position on the pulp market with competitive costs and low risk. After the completion of this project, we will have increased our annual pulp production capacity altogether by over 500,000 tonnes since 2013," says Heikki Vappula, Executive Vice President, UPM Biorefining.

 "After the successful start-up of the new pulp drying machine at the end of 2015, Kymi`s efficiency has been on a very good level and we identified potential for even further increases in production. Today`s announcement is yet another example of highly targeted investments that provide a good return, which we have implemented in all our three pulp mills in Finland - Pietarsaari, Kymi and Kaukas -  and in the Fray Bentos mill in Uruguay," says Anssi Klinga, Senior Vice President, UPM Pulp.

Kymi`s annual pulp production capacity is expected to increase from the current 700,000 tonnes to 870,000 tonnes of bleached northern softwood and birch pulp by the end of 2017. Moreover, the new investment will further improve Kymi`s cost-competitiveness and environmental performance.

The investment at Kymi mill will begin immediately, comprising upgrades in wood handling, the birch fibre line, recovery plant and effluent treatment. New machinery will be connected to the process during the next pulp mill shut-down planned for the autumn of 2017.

In UPM`s Kaukas mill in Lappeenranta, Finland, assembly work on the currently ongoing EUR 50 million investment in pulp drying and baling will take place during a planned shutdown in the autumn, followed by start-up scheduled for the end of 2016.

For more information, please contact:
Anssi Klinga, Senior Vice President, Pulp Business, tel. +358 50 466 1470
Heikki Vappula, Executive Vice President, UPM Biorefining, tel. +358 400 912 908

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UPM Kymi
UPM Kymi is a modern and environmentally efficient mill integrate producing pulp, paper and energy. Kymi produces bleached softwood and hardwood kraft pulp as well as coated and uncoated fine paper. UPM Kymi employs about 700 people and is located in south-east Finland in Kouvola. www.upmpulp.com > About us > Pulp mills > Kymi,  www.upmkymi.fi
UPM Pulp
UPM is one of the world`s leading producers of northern softwood, birch and eucalyptus pulp. We supply global customers in end use segments such as tissue, specialty, and packaging as well as printing and writing papers, and board, through our own sales and technical service network close to customers. UPM Pulp operates four modern pulp mills, three in Finland and one in Uruguay, as well as eucalyptus plantations in Uruguay. UPM Pulp employs approximately 1,500 people. The annual pulp production capacity is 3.5 million tonnes. Pulp Business is part of the UPM Biorefining Business Area. www.upmpulp.com
Through the renewing of the bio and forest industries, UPM is building a sustainable future across six business areas: UPM Biorefining, UPM Energy, UPM Raflatac, UPM Paper Asia, UPM Paper ENA and UPM Plywood. Our products are made of renewable raw materials and are recyclable. We serve our customers worldwide. The group employs around 19,600 people and its annual sales are approximately EUR 10 billion. UPM shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. UPM - The Biofore Company - www.upm.com

UPM invierte en su `lanta de Kymi para fortalecer su posición en el mercado. UPM de la celulosa mundial invierte EUR 98 millones en planta de celulosa de Kymi en Finlandia para fortalecer aún más su posición como un proveedor de celulosa química blanqueada de segmentos finales consumer & industrial creciente como tejido, especialidad, así como la Junta y papeles de embalaje. " En los últimos tres años hemos mejorado significativamente la eficiencia de producción de nuestras fábricas de celulosa. Esta inversión millones de EUR 98 en Kymi fortalecerá nuestra posición en el mercado de pulpa con costos competitivos y de bajo riesgo. Después de la terminación de este proyecto, habrá aumentado nuestra capacidad de producción anual de celulosa en conjunto por más de 500.000 toneladas desde 2013,"afirma Heikki Vappula, Executive Vice President, UPM biorefinación. "Después de la puesta en marcha exitosa de la pulpa nueva secadora a finales de 2015, eficiencia de Kymi ha estado en un muy buen nivel y se identificaron posibilidades de más aumentos en la producción. El anuncio de hoy es otro ejemplo de inversiones altamente específicas que proporcionan un buen rendimiento, que hemos implementado en todas nuestras tres Pasteras en Finlandia - Pietarsaari, Kymi y Kaukas - y en la planta de Fray Bentos en Uruguay,", dice Anssi Klinga, Senior Vice President de celulosa de UPM.

FINANCES YAHOO -  04 julio 2016