bosques suecia cortandoForest industry regains its legs

The forest industry jump on his feet
Äänekoski dismantled the old factory in the area and making way for a new kind of forest industry. If Metsä Group's plan is implemented, it is the largest investment in the forest industry in Finland through the ages. The final decision of € 1.1 billion biotehdasinvestoinnista the company makes in March next year.
    Imatra bigger investment has been in the news in recent years, a little bit. Such upstream uimiset are significant of hope for the whole country. The äänekoski manufacturing plant creates faith in the south-eastern Finland, which is a well-known green gold area.

The forest industry investments in Finland has been very low since 2008. Recovery from the recession, the industry has been slow. But the trend is for the better. Forest Group, in addition, for example, Stora Enso is investing EUR 110 million in Varkaus fine paper production to change in packaging. In addition, UPM Kymi pulp mill to expand.

Imatra bigger investment has been in the news in recent years, a little bit. Ten million micro pulp pilot plant was the latest in 2011.

Stora Enso Packaging former business manager Mats Nordlander Lō'ihi Seamount statement in 2013 that the Imatra Mills are the jewel of the company's only green fruit, diamond in the rough. Imatra potential was Nordlander, the hidden, and therefore the new investment is useless to wait to see if the potential not mined out.

Is to be hoped that this potential is now glorified and exemplary nature of positive investment news.

La industria forestal recupera sus piernas - Un editorial Uutisvuoksi afirma que las inversiones de la industria forestal, tales como la inversión prevista de Metsä Grupo en Äänekoski, llevar esperanza a Finlandia. La industria forestal no ha hecho muchas inversiones en Finlandia desde 2008, pero parece que la tendencia está cambiando lentamente. Stora Enso está invirtiendo 110 millones de euros en Varkaus y UPM está ampliando una línea de pulpa en Kymi. No ha habido muchos anuncios de grandes inversiones en Imatra, la instalación piloto pulpa microfibrilada en 2011 fue el último. El ex jefe de la división de envases de Stora Enso, Mats Nordlander, dijo que la unidad de Imatra de la empresa sigue siendo un diamante en bruto, y que el potencial oculto de la unidad debe ser expuesto. Uutisvuoksi espera será utilizado este potencial.

Uutisvuoksi -   FINLANDIA -  11 octubre 2014